Why do I need a skin assessment?
Contact with certain substances such as oils, degreasers, cutting oils, coolants, disinfectants, soaps, rubber, glues or cement can cause skin problems. Regular and prolonged use can lead to the skin becoming irritated or sensitive, and in some cases this can develop into dermatitis. By early detection, dermatitis can be treated before it develops.
If your workers work in an environment with substances that could cause harm to their skin you have a duty under the COSHH Regulations 2002 and Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 to carry out a risk assessment and perform skin health surveillance where necessary.
Monitoring your employees’ skin should help detect any adverse effects in its early stage so that steps can be taken to stop any disease developing or minimise its impact. As part of a health surveillance programme, skin inspections can help reduce risks, prevent disease and help identify if your control measures are working properly.
If your employees work with skin hazards, then we recommend that skin inspections are carried out on all employees as they start working for your company. This will allow us to identify any existing problems with their skin and identify any individuals who are particularly at risk. We can advise on the most appropriate frequency of ongoing surveillance depending on the risks of the work performed by your employees.
What happens at a skin surveillance assessment?
You will be asked to complete a questionnaire and there would be a visual inspection of the skin. This would be mainly the hands, or any other exposed skin areas whilst at work. A skin surveillance assessment usually takes approximately 15 minutes. You will be provided with information on the risks, preventative measures, good skin hygiene practices and types of symptoms that may indicate a problem.
Our team can help you implement an on-site skin health surveillance programme to keep your employees safe and meet your legal obligations.